BMI Range

BMI calculator and all about the BMI range


Why children should not use the BMI calculator

The BMI calculator is meant for adults and not children. Healthcare professionals rather point to a percentile referring to how your child compares to other children of the same age and gender. This means that an 8-year-old with a 75th percentile BMI has a higher Body Mass Index than 75 out of 100 peers in the healthy weight range


BMI for children can be useful for assessing body fat, but may also be misleading as it does not factor in the amount of muscle. It is important from the very start to underline the fact that we do not recommend measuring the BMI for children, and that if you do have any worries you should contact a pediatrician

If you’ve read our post “Can BMI be misleading?” you already know that Body Mass Index or BMI is based on the weight and height of an individual and does not necessarily take into account the density of bones, amount of muscle mass versus fat, or overall body composition

As such, the BMI range is a good tool for adults to know if they are at risk of being obese in order to avoid lifestyle diseases, but for children… it is an entirely different matter

Thing is, the difference between children are so wast that providing them with a tool telling them what’s normal and not may very well do more harm than good

Sure, you should focus on healthy habits and staying active, but this can be accomplished through moderate portions, eating together as a family, staying away from sugary drinks, and implementing exercise or sports into your daily routine

Should be unnecessary to point out, but children are subject to massive peer pressure and if they are overweight they already know it… They DO NOT need a calculator verifying an unfortunate state, perhaps further enabling serious conditions such as bulimia or anorexia

Due to the above, will not post a calculator on this site for calculating the BMI for children and adolescents, but we will, however; post a link to an external resource later in this post for those who wish to pursue the matter

Why even post a link? -Because there are plenty of calculators with the wrong multipliers, and we want to make sure that you have access to the appropriate tool from the appropriate authority

The standard BMI calculator is not meant for children

In fact, the BMI calculator is meant for adults and not children – even expressed by the inventor of the BMI index, Adolphe Quetelet

Because of this, you will almost never hear a doctor or healthcare professional mentioning a specific value when they discuss the BMI of children, rather; they will point to a percentile. The  percentile they are talking about refers to how your child compares to other children of the same age and gender

This means that an 8-year-old with a 75th percentile BMI has a higher Body Mass Index than 75 out of 100 peers that are in the healthy weight range

Healthcare professionals then sort the data as follows:


Under the fifth percentile



From the fifth percentile to the 85th percentile



From the 85th percentile to the 95th



Over the 95th percentile

Now, there are calculators available for determining the BMI score of children, and the most accurate we’ve found is available via Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

However, they do point to the calculator not being meant as a source of clinical guidance and that it is NOT meant to substitute medical advice as it is based on weight and height and is purely meant as a tool for assessing  body fatness


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